Darling ArrowI shouldnt be writing this. Its not as if Im ever going to send you this letter and there are a million reasons why.First of all I was sent to St. Marys School for Troubled Teenagers – an all-girls reform school – as a punishment for a petty totally inconsequential crime. Not to ogle the principals hot son around the campus.Second of all youre a gianDarling ArrowI shouldnt be writing this. Its not as if Im ever going to send you this letter and there are a million reasons why.First of all I was sent to St. Marys School for Troubled Teenagers – an all-girls reform school – as a punishment for a petty totally inconsequential crime. Not to ogle the principals hot son around the campus.Second of all youre a giant jerk. Youre arrogant and moody and so cold. Sometimes I think I shouldnt even like you.But strangely your coldness sets me on fire. The way your athletic body moves on the soccer field and the way your powerful thighs sprawl across that bike of yours make me go inappropriately breathless. But thats not the worst part. The worst part is that you Arrow Carlisle are not only the principals hot son. You also happen to be the love of my sisters life. And I really shouldnt be thinking about my sisters boyfriend or rather fiancé (I overheard a conversation about the ring that I shouldnt have.)Now if I can only stop writing you these meaningless letters that Ill never send and youll never read…Never yoursSalem.(less)